Sunday afternoon. The baked Mahi Mahi last night was utterly delicious, eaten on deck with the sun going down. Unfortunately, the wind has swung round to come from the direction of Tortola, so since we can’t point the boat at the wind, port tack won over starboard, and we headed off at an angle west of our desired route.
By morning, we were 60 miles south west and reckoned that it was time to tack onto starboard to head south east. But the winds are lighter, and the swell is banging straight into the boat, so reluctantly, we are now motor sailing to get east knowing that the wind is set from the south east for the next two days, then should turn easterly. If all goes well, we’ll have a lovely reach towards Tortola from the East…of course, followers on yellow brick can see how it works out for us…

Great to receive short emails to our radio email address, though more than a few sentences takes a looonnng time to receive.

Now, back to the blue sea, sun, warm wind, … plus swell, engine noise, and a bumpy ride. Bye for now!