This is the way to have the bottom painted!
This is the way to have the bottom painted!

Redundant crew will recognize this spot with the ‘best drinks on the island’. For the rest, we are currently back in Nanny Cay, where the boat is being hauled and the bottom painted. We are enjoying a day or two off and will have the opportunity to stay on dry land. The first time for a while where we will not be rocked to sleep by the motion of the boat. There will also be the opportunity to watch some TV, not something we are inclined to do.
We keep relatively up to date with world events by reviewing BBC news on the IPad, but it is too depressing.
While we are not having fun there is always a list of little jobs to complete; it’s a boat after all. There are some crappy jobs, such as replacing the seals on the heads (its’s a Raritan head for those who can interpret the photo), and some easier ones, e.g. replacing the zincs, ‘Semcoing’ the decks, etc.