
Meet Ed, who has signed up as crew to join the two of us for the Salty Dawg Rally to the BVIs. We welcomed him onboard (with open arms) in Worton Creek before we departed on Friday October 23rd and had a great sail down the Chesapeake, stopping off in Annapolis, Solomons and near Deltaville on the way. It is great to have him onboard with us and we appreciate his help and patience as we work our way through our ‘To Do’ lists.

Since arriving in Hampton, Virginia, we have been taking advantage of the Salty Dawg seminars on topics such as sail trim, safety, weather forecasting while also checking off items from our lists. There are about 60 boats participating, but not all are starting from Hampton, not all are going to the BVI (several are heading to the Bahamas)…. and some have started already. There have been some good social functions, including a pig roast on Halloween, when those who wished could come in fancy dress.
The planned start date for the rally was today but unfortunately Mother Nature is not cooperating as there is a nasty weather system coming off the US east coast near Cape Hatteras today. Some boats took advantage of a favorable weather window last Thursday or Friday but we weren’t ready (still had to provision) so we now have to wait until the next window comes along. It could be as early as tomorrow but as of last night, Thursday looked more favorable…. Watch this space.