It is about time we put fingers to IPad and write a blog. We have been on Lady Mayfair in Barcelona, essentially since last September.  Much of the time has been spent refurbishing equipment on the boat, a task more arduous and complicated than anticipated. Prior experience in the US has shown it could be a lot easier and less expensive there, than here. However, the upside is that we are living on our boat in downtown Barcelona, which has been quite an experience.

We rented a car on several occasions to see more of Spain (Puigcerdà in the Pyrenees over Xmas with Sonia; Montserrat, Cadaques, Banyoles, Girona, and Besalú with Carole and Mike; and to visit Sonia in Bordeaux.

Ash and Sue, Kentish friends we met in the BVI, were with us for the last two weeks. Unfortunately, our cruising plans, potentially to the Balearics, were somewhat curtailed due to some further boat issues. We did, however, manage a test sail off Barcelona and a short trip south along the coast for a few days to Sitges and Villanova. Sitges an older, classic Spanish town with its church on a hill overlooking the sea is quite spectacular, a very comfortable marina, 3 nudist beaches if one is so inclined (we walked past one), hosts numerous festivals, and is reported to be Spain’s St. Tropez and its ‘gay’ capital. Villanova, about 10 kilometers further south is much more down to earth; with one of the largest marinas we have encountered on either side of the  pond.

We have almost four weeks to have the remaining malfunctioning items on the boat repaired before we fly to the US and then Ireland. In August, we should be departing Barcelona on our passage east to Turkey, via the Balearics, Tunisia, Malta, and some Greek islands. 

Summer has arrived here, sun, 22-28C, along with the tourists and cruise ships. We have enjoyed our time here, but look forward to moving on.